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What Are Belly Bands Used For?

2 min read 1 Comment

baby tummy wrap for colic

Being a new parent can be difficult and overwhelming since it is the first time you will handle things with a newborn. You can read books, articles, follow other parent's advice or search online whenever you have a question. New generations of parents may know about the latest baby gears or gadgets, but they should also be aware of natural, old ways used by previous generations that are just as effective and useful.

One of those natural methods is belly banding. Belly banding is believed to be used in the 1800s in England for baby gas and colic relief. Not only that, but this practice was also applied by Middle Eastern, Latin, Hawaiian, and Filipino cultures for their little ones. It is also called an "infant binder," some are used to make a baby's belly button become an "innie." Nowadays, belly binders, tummy band or belly bands still exist, are sold in baby stores, and are used by moms and dads worldwide. Is this the first time you've heard about it? We have listed what you need to know about the uses of baby belly bands.


colic tummy band 

Protect the tummy

These baby tummy wraps are used to warm and soothe your baby's belly. Babies, especially newborns, are used to the warm, mild temperature inside their mommy's tummy, so the warmth of the belly band makes them feel more cozy and relaxed. These baby belly warmers also help protect the navel area from bacteria or dirt that may come from clothing or diapers.

Baby tummy belts like the MEMEENO are made of three layers with a fleece lining. You do not need to heat it in a microwave as it is naturally self-heating. It is safe for your little one as it uses your baby's own temperature to make it warm. If the baby feels relaxed because of its snugged warmness, mommy will also feel relaxed.


baby tummy wrap for colic

Gas and colic

Gassy and fussy babies are normal as they still have immature digestive tracks. We also know that colic can be frustrating as your baby cries for long hours without any reason. Most parents go through this, and this is where the belly band can help in a non-invasive and natural way.

The MEMEENO baby tummy wraps have an adjustable fastener that applies an optimal amount of pressure to compress your baby's tummy gently. The gentle pressure helps improve their bowel movement and release gas. Not only that, but it also facilitates digestion, eases colic, tummy aches, and overall fussiness.

Learn more on, "Why use a belly band?"


 baby tummy wrap

MEMEENO Belly Bands

The all-natural, organic MEMEENO Baby Belly band is made of super soft 100% organic cotton with a polyester fleece infill to help your baby feel the optimal belly warmth and comfort. This baby wrap helps ease out gas, and its warmth aids in tummy aches and colic. The stomach wraps are available in different stylish designs, which you can match with hats and swaddles. It is perfectly safe for your baby as it is paraben-free, has no chemicals, and the designs are made of water-based dyes. Care, Comfort, and Connect with your little one by using these bands for a calm and happy baby!


1 Response


August 09, 2021

My 6 month old has an umbilical hernia and the drs do nothing he has bad tummy issues will this help keep the hernia in and his tummy unhappiness he has trouble pooping and getting gas out mainly when I give him formula when my milk is low he wakes up screaming it scares me I just want to make him feel better and comfortable

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