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Pregnant? Want to have a happy baby? Eat this...

1 min read

Pregnant? Want to have a happy baby? Eat this...

Are you pregnant? Planning to be pregnant? Well, there is one food that researchers have found to have an effect on a baby's mood and happiness. In a TED talk, Annie Murphy Paul talks about all the interesting things a baby learns while in the womb. One of those lessons learned has to do with the food we eat and the effect that it has on a baby.  

While I was pregnant, I watched this talk and immediately went to my fridge and started eating! And guess what? It worked. Since birth, my son, who is now two, seems to always be smiling (when he's not cranky, tired or hungry) and has a very happy nature.  So, sit down, grab a piece of CHOCOLATE and enjoy the show! Click here to watch the talk. http://bit.ly/2i6tnSY



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