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Do you smile enough around your baby? You ought to, here's why

1 min read

Do you smile enough around your baby? You ought to, here's why

If you aren't smiling around your baby, you need start turning that frown, upside down! Why? A simple smile can have tremendous health and emotional benefits to you and your baby.

  • Research indicates that babies smile at their mothers to get them to smile back. This means they are learning to communicate at a very young age! That's called being smart and being social. Definitely a plus!
  • Smiling releases pleasure hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. Did you know that endorphins are a 100% natural pain reliever? Serotonin is a natural anti-depressant. Obviously, the more you smile, the happier you are.
  • Smiling reduces stress and increases optimism. It's good for mind and body.
  • It's also really contagious! Smiling makes you feel good as well as the people around you, especially your little ones!

So, smile around your baby and kids as much as you can, even if you have to fake it to make it. You'll be helping yourself and your baby! Keep smilin'!

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