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How Parents Can Promote Healthy Habits Early On

2 min read

How Parents Can Promote Healthy Habits Early On

Obesity has become increasingly common in young adults and children over the last few decades. As a parent, it is your job to help your kids to develop healthy, lifelong habits. These can be related to food, exercise, or staying away from harmful substances that can impact their body. Lessons like these can set your child on the correct course.

Be Active

Children need to stay active regularly. Exercising can improve a child’s mood, prevent them from gaining weight, and promote quality family time. This doesn’t mean they have to lift weights or go on a jog. Instead, focus on activities that will get them moving—such as sports or family bike rides.

Find an activity that your kids enjoy doing, and make it a regular part of your day or week. Put your kid in an active sport they will practice frequently. Ask them what they would like to do.  Encouraging these activities will help them find a love for exercise without them even realizing it.

Start Healthy Dental Habits

When your kids are young, you should be encouraging consistent dental habits. You can do this in several ways. Set an alarm and make it part of your daily and nightly routines. Brush with them. Play their favorite song and have them brush until it is over. As they get older, encourage them to floss and brush other parts of their mouth.

Monitor how much sugar your kids are eating as well. You should avoid putting a child to bed with a bottle of milk, as the prolonged exposure to sugar can harm teeth. Find ways to limit your child’s sugar intake so their teeth don’t rot.

Limit Fast Food

You should also try and limit fast food in your family’s diet. It is fun to have a “Taco Tuesday” and “Pizza Friday” every week, but it is not the best way to promote healthy eating. Fast food is expensive, and has significantly more calories than food you make at home. This food usually contains more sodium, sugar, and fat than homemade meals.

People who eat fast food are  much more likely to become obese. It also makes you feel more tired and bloated, removing incentive to exercise even more. Children should understand that fast food is a treat, but not the standard.

Your children have a bright future ahead of them. By promoting healthy habits, you are helping them extend their life and improving their experience living it. It may be tough, but trying is worth it.

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