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What is PURPLE Crying?

4 min read

Crying Baby

All of us parents know that it takes patience, support, and wisdom to overcome your newborn's cries for the first few months. Each baby is unique and cries for different reasons. Babies cry when they are hungry, uncomfortable, or if there is something they need. Once we meet their needs, they hush, get calm, and begin to slumber. However, this is not always the situation. There is a period called Purple Crying, and it is not about a baby turns purple when crying, it is about having long persistent squeals at a specific time of the day. We understand that it sometimes feels never ending, but worry not, momma, as the experts say, this is totally normal.


Purple crying is an educational concept created by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome. It helps parents to understand the purple crying stage and to prevent the occurrence of Shaken Baby Syndrome. The Shaken Baby Syndrome is a brain injury caused by strenuous and intensely shaking a baby. It mostly occurs to ages 6 to 8 weeks, which is when babies experience the purple crying. It is often the result out of frustration and impatience of the caregiver from the said cries. 


What Does PURPLE Stand For?

Yes! Purple is an abbreviation created to understand your newborn's cries. It is a quick way to identify if your baby is having a purple cry. Let's check out what each letter means and see what we can do to help our little ones!


  • P - Peak Of Crying

Your baby's fussiness may occur as early as 2 weeks and can rise to its peak on 6 to 8 weeks. This is normal as what experts say, but when does purple crying end? It will eventually stop on the 3rd or 5th month.

  • U - Unexpected

Parents always make sure to address their baby's needs. Whether it's milk feeding, changing diapers, or cuddling their little ones, they will do all their best to prevent their baby from crying. The thing about purple cries is, it is unpredictable. Even though the baby's needs are met, the baby will continue to cry for no reason.

  • R - Resists Soothing

Even if the parents have tried all the ways to comfort and soothe their little ones, the baby won't still stop crying. It can be tiring to try all the methods to get it resolved, but purple crying often resists soothing.
  • P - Pain-Like-Face

As a parent, you may be worrying that your little one might be in pain. Experts say that babies may look in pain when they are actually not. The reason for purple crying is still unclear up until now

  • L - Long Lasting

There is no definite time when a purple cry will begin or end. To be classified as a purple cry, it needs to last up to 5 hours a day, wherein the baby will eventually be calm and quiet after.

  • E - Evening

Commonly known as the "witching hour," your baby's purple cries escalate during the late afternoon until evening hours.



How To Soothe Your Baby?


Check first your baby's needs. See if the baby is hungry, has wet diapers, needs a cuddle or a bath. It is best to address those needs first to know the reason behind their cries.

Mother's Warmth. Sometimes, all our baby needs is our warm hug. Try the skin to skin contact. Placing your baby on your chest with only a diaper on, can calm their cries and soothe their stress.

Swaddle me, mommy. Wrap your little ones in a cozy blanket. Swaddling can help them feel comfortable, safe, and secure and may lead to less crying.

Rock-a-bye baby. Gently rock or sway them while in a swaddle. You can also hum songs to them. For some babies, rhythmic movements can calm and soothe them.

Play some soft tunes. Playing lullaby or relaxing music can help divert their attention. Other machine noises can also help soothe them, depending on your baby's preference.

Give them a warm bath. A warm bath helps the baby feel relaxed and refreshed. A tummy massage can also help.



Coping up with your newborn's cries may really take a lot of patience and understanding. We have to learn their cry patterns and the best soothing solution that works well for them. Since your baby's mode of communication is through crying, we need to be observant as to what their wants and needs are. If the baby still cries and you want to take a break, let your partner handle it. Take some time to rest and get back when you feel energized. You can try the soothing techniques again to see if it works the second time. If you feel that your baby is not well, and the crying never stops, consult a physician to check for underlying conditions. Remember to not stress out and that this period is only temporary. Babies grow fast and will eventually overcome these purple cries! 


A Soothing Way To Comfort Those Little Bellies!

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