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3 Fantastic Activities to Do with Your Littles This Summer

2 min read

3 Fantastic Activities to Do with Your Littles This Summer

The long, sun-drenched summer days can be a fantastic opportunity to spend time with your little ones. I know I will be busy with my littles. From splashing in the pool to building sandcastles and watching movies, you'll be able to create special memories that will last a lifetime. Consider filling your family's summer schedule with some of the outdoor ideas listed below.

Feed the Ducks

Feeding the ducks at your local park or pond enables your children to have a direct interaction with wildlife. This can help them develop a sense of respect and love for animals, and being outdoors in nature is a proven stress reliever. Before feeding the ducks, ensure that the location you plan to visit allows feeding, and try to take along several different types of food. Despite its popularity,bread is not the healthiest food for ducks; it can cause obesity and a condition known as "angel wing." Instead, consider feeding the ducks corn, peas, rolled or instant oats, birdseed and other seeds, and lettuce or other greens that have been torn into small pieces. You can also buy duck pellets online and at pet stores; these are suitable for wild ducks.

Movie Outside

Many city parks host outdoor movie nights during the summer season, and it can be even more fun and convenient to have an outdoor movie showing in your own backyard. You could have popcorn and desserts, set out a large picnic blanket, and choose a classic or family-friendly film that the neighborhood kids will all enjoy. In advance of your movie night,research what equipment you will need ahead of the activity date, so you don't forget anything when it's time to set up. In particular, you'll want to research what equipment you will need in terms of projector devices and movie screens. Getting high quality equipment will help reduce the chances of any glitches during the showing, allowing you and your guests to have a pleasant evening.

Have a Beach Day

A beach day with the kids can be a fun outing for everyone involved. You can comb the beach for seashells and sea glass for use in art and home decor projects, and you can enjoy building sandcastles, with or without the use of plastic molds that make it simple. Even if you and the kids don't enjoy swimming, you can all dip your toes into the ocean together. Since children's skin is especially prone to sunburn, make sure your kids wear sunscreen and clothing with built-in sun protection. You may also wish to stay out on the beach for only an hour or so to minimize the risk of burning.

Whether you try one of the activities above or all three, you and your kids will certainly create lots of memorable moments that you'll treasure. Enjoy the summer together!

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