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What New Moms Need to Know About Dogs and Kids

2 min read

What New Moms Need to Know About Dogs and Kids

Introducing a new dog to your home is a marvelous feeling. It's a chance to spread love, teach your children commitment and grow your family in a wonderful way. One of the best times to bring a dog into the family is when you're pregnant or you have small children. It's a way for the family to grow and learn together. Before a mom rushes out to get a puppy, however, here's what she needs to know.

You Need Time for Both

A new puppy is a huge commitment, especially if you already have children. You will need adequate time to housebreak the four-legged toddler. A new puppy will require frequent trips outside until they get used to knowing when and where to go to the bathroom.Pet accessory vendors recommend that when adding any dog, you'll also need to make sure your family is at home often enough to acclimate the pet to its new surroundings. Both dogs and children will need lots of attention to avoid jealousy. Dogs must be taken on plenty of walks to wear off their energy. It's important to get the whole family onboard so that you're able to divide the responsibility equally.

Breed Matters

The breed of dog you bring into your home is crucial. Some are too high-energy, skittish or ill-tempered. First and foremost, you want to make sure your family stays safe.Dog trainers explain that a Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Maltese, Bulldog, Beagle, Newfoundland or Bull Terrier is a great breed for small children. When choosing a dog, you don't need to visit a breeder. The temperament is what matters, and plenty of great family dogs can be found in a shelter. You should introduce your child to the dog before you bring the dog home. In that way, you can ensure they're a good match. You'll want a dog that doesn't frequently jump up and knock the child over, act nervous, growl or show aggression.

Teaching Children Proper Care

Child educators will point out that as your children grow older with their dog, you can teach them some valuable lessons. From a very young age, kids can learn proper techniques for pet care. They'll soon know to feed the dog a measured amount of food and become attuned to its needs. Kids and dogs are natural playmates. A game of fetch is perfect for both to burn off excess energy. Creating a bond between the dog and your family is crucial for fostering love and safety in the home.

When you already have children or you're expecting, adopting a new dog or puppy is hard work, but it's well worth it. Also, don’t be afraid of introducing a dog while pregnant,there are many things that can complicate pregnancies, but dogs are much safer for pregnant mothers than some other kinds of pets. There's no better time to add a new pet to your family. A dog will give you and your children unconditional love.



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