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Self-Care Ideas For Pregnant Moms

4 min read

Self-Care Ideas For Pregnant Moms

Pregnancy is a great blessing. It is a beautiful journey toward giving birth and being a new mom. As you wait for your baby to come out, you can be overwhelmed by things like attending doctor's appointments, thinking about what you need to prepare, decorating the nursery room, and many more. And because of these, soon-to-be moms may experience stress and fatigue, and we do not want that to happen. We want a healthy mom so that she can have a safe delivery to a healthy baby.

Soon-to-be moms may experience mild pregnancy discomforts, but it can be severe or more complicated for some. And with all the preparations a pregnant mom does, sometimes she forgets about herself and her health. Self-care is essential while pregnant; the mom must be healthy physically and mentally in preparation for childbirth. Here are some self-care ideas to help expectant moms healthily experience this sweet, incredible journey.

Pregnant woman sleeping with pillow. MEMEENO baby belly band for gas and colic
Get enough sleep

A growing baby can be a lot of work for your body, and getting enough sleep is essential for your body to recharge. Even when you are busy, prioritize to take a pause and rest. Fighting off sleepiness can make you feel more tired. Take afternoon naps if you can. Getting enough sleep is essential for your health and your baby's development.

pregnant mom eating. belly band for babies gas and colic
Eat Right

Food is what fuels our body to work. Choosing the right food can boost your health and support your growing baby. Eat nutritious foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and fluids. You must increase your protein and calcium intake for your baby's bone growth and muscle tissue development. Suggested foods high in calcium are milk, greek yogurt, and cheese. If you are lactose intolerant, consult your doctor on what alternative foods you can eat, or they might prescribe you prenatal vitamins.

Sweet potatoes are also recommended as it has a lot of beta carotene, and your body converts them to Vitamin A, essential for your baby's growing cells. Experts suggest salmon, eggs, legumes, broccoli, lean meat, berries, avocado, whole grains, dried fruit, and water. Being well-hydrated can help prevent constipation and fight urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

It is also suggested to snack often rather than eating three large meals a day when you are experiencing morning sickness. Munch on soda crackers or dry toast before getting out of bed, as an empty stomach can make you nauseous.

pregnant mom exercise. Baby belly band for gas and colic
Move your body

It may feel lazy to move if you gain weight and have a baby bump. Exercise during pregnancy is considered self-care as it has a lot of benefits for you and your babe. Regular exercise can promote good posture and decreases back pains and fatigue. It reduces stress and prevents gestational diabetes. It is better to avoid strenuous exercises if you have medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.

At your first prenatal checkup, ask your doctor what exercises are safe for you. Your doctor will inform you if you are in the high-risk pregnancy category, which means exercise and movement can be limited. But for most pregnant women, exercise is safe for the mom and the baby. The recommended exercise for pregnant moms is at least 2.5 hours per week. They can do yoga, stationary biking, swimming, water workouts, low-impact aerobics classes, and strength training.

pregnant mom walking
Go for a walk

Walking has a lot of benefits for our bodies. If you wish to lose weight after giving birth, start your walks now as it helps burn calories, and there's a big chance you can return to your pre-pregnancy weight sooner. Walking can also boost your energy and improves your mood. It can help keep your back muscles strong to support your belly. It can also help in making delivery and recovery easier. Just be sure not to overdo walking, do not go on walks when you feel dizzy, and remember to stay hydrated.



pregnant mom wearing comfortable clothes. MEMEENO baby belly band for fussy baby

Wear comfy clothes

As their body changes, most pregnant women are conscious of how they look, especially if they gain weight during pregnancy. It is not necessary to buy an entire maternity wardrobe (you can if need be), but it is best to find comfortable clothes that can fit, in which you can quickly move and give space to your belly bump. Go for light, comfy, breathable clothes, not the snug ones. Also, wear clothes that can support your belly. Avoid tight clothes, bras, socks, etc., which can restrict blood flow and risk varicose veins. Most importantly, be confident in wearing anything. You are beautiful, momma!


pregnant mom with spouse. baby belly band for gassy baby
Quality time with your spouse

Spend time with your spouse, regardless if this is your first or fourth kid. Get intimate (unless you are on pelvic rest, as advised by your provider) and release those happy hormones. Share your dreams, hopes, fears, and plans. Talking to your spouse is healthy. It strengthens your bond and helps you both to become ready to face parenthood.

Pregnant mom applying lotion on belly. Belly band for fussy baby
Spoil yourself

With changes in hormones and in their body physically, pregnancy can be difficult. Pamper yourself in any way you want, you deserve it, momma! Avoid stretch marks by massaging shea butter on your belly every night. Have a haircut. Go for a foot spa. Get your nails done. Order food and save your energy from cooking. Watch your favorite show. Listen to your favorite genre. Read a book. Draw. Do things that make you happy. Spend time pampering yourself. When the baby arrives, your me-time can be limited.

pregnant mom planning. belly band for colic relief
Plan ahead

Having a baby can be overwhelming. It is best to plan before the big day arrives. Prevent overthinking by planning, organizing, and scheduling the tasks that need to be done. Write down what you need to buy for the nursery or your baby. Have a list of things that should be inside your maternity bag. Where should you give birth, who is going with you, etc.? Plan this with your spouse, discuss options, budget, your baby's name, and many more so it will be less worrying and avoid overthinking.


Pamper yourself at home



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