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10 Fun Thanksgiving Family Activities

3 min read

10 Fun Thanksgiving Family Activities

Thanksgiving is just right around the corner. It is when families and friends gather to celebrate their blessings and express their feelings of gratitude. We all know that it is the busiest holiday of the year, and despite the pandemic we are experiencing, we would like it to be memorable, fun, and exciting. While we have given you tips on How To Celebrate Thanksgiving This Year, we will be sharing fun thanksgiving activities that you and your family can surely enjoy!


1. Thanksgiving Parade Bingo

Does your family tradition always include watching the parade in the morning? Watch the marching band, floats, and balloons with a twist. You can print Thanksgiving bingo cards like this, or you can get downloadable cards from Pinterest.  They can mark it when they see the object from the parade. Whoever gets five in a row---down, across, wins! 

Thanksgiving Parade Bingo


2. Being Thankful A-Z

Not sure how to get the conversation rolling on a Thanksgiving dinner? You can ask everyone what they are thankful for but with a twist! A family member will start with the letter A, then the next member with the B, and so on. It will surely test the creativity of the whole family, not to mention the fun!

MEMEENO Blog. Thanksgiving A to Z


3. Guess the Baby

Collect baby photos of family members or guests and post them on a board. Let them write and guess the baby on the picture and announce the answers after dinner. Enjoy guessing and be surprised!

Old Kids Photos


4. Puzzle contest

You can make thanksgiving more exciting by playing some games. Playing puzzles can increase IQ and promote team work among family members and guests. You can buy two of the same puzzles and group your guests into two teams. The team that finishes the puzzle first wins!

Putting Jigsaw Puzzle together


5. Pumpkin hunt

Kids love an Easter egg hunt. A Pumpkin hunt is the same, only you will be using mini pumpkins! Searching for these pumpkins promotes physical activity, improves visual scanning and cognitive skills. Hide them all around the house and let your kids enjoy the hunt! 

mini pumpkins


6. Thanksgiving charades

The classic game of charades; only the words included will be all about thanksgiving. Kids can learn to think outside the box, develop their non-verbal skills and be creative. Think of Thanksgiving-related words like turkey, leftovers, parade, baking pies, wishbone, etc.

Family charades


7. Thanksgiving game

This game consists of categories with colors. You can make a list like this:

Gratitude Game
You can use M&Ms, pick-up sticks, or colored papers for them to pick a color, then they can answer the question based on the corresponding color.


8. Trace your roots

Most family members are around during Thanksgiving, including your grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. It is the perfect time to ask them about your great grandparents and other relatives. You can make a family tree with your kids. It's always nice to know your family origins. Who knows? You can be the great great-great-grandchild of someone influencial.

MEMEENO Blog: Family Tree


9. Have a football game

If your family and guests are solid football fans, one way to enjoy Thanksgiving is by playing football. Playing sports with family and friends develops sportsmanship, social and motor skills and builds self-confidence. Play the game in your front or back yard and see everyone have fun. It will surely be a memorable Thanksgiving!

Family playing football


10. Play Board Games

Thanksgiving is a time to bond with your family, so remove those gadgets and play the classic board games. Playing these games can promote brain function and can strengthen relationships with your family members. Adult members may have a bit of nostalgia remembering the old days while the kids can learn and enjoy something new. Check out the 2021 Best Board games.

Best Board Games


Let us be thankful for all the blessings as we celebrate the meaningful holiday with our loved ones. With family or friends, at home or wherever we may be, let us observe Thanksgiving with a grateful heart.


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