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Getting Started with MEMEENO

2 min read

Getting Started with MEMEENO

MEMEENO was born from many days of frustration and sleepless nights with our premature baby. As parents, we want to always give our baby love and comfort. But seeing our little premie grunt and cry in what seemed to be belly pained, really pained us. We tried gas drops, changing diets, gripe water and the list goes on. Trying to get her to sleep at night was tough. We shared our frustration with our doctors, friends and family. Many people gave us some good advice.

One day, a friend gave us a belly band that she had brought from overseas for her own babies. It had two ties and we bow tied it around her little waist. We tried it once. We tried it twice. And, lo and behold, we saw improvement in our little one's tummy pain. But the band would often ride up her torso or come untied, which sometimes added to our frustration. But ever since those early days of caring for our premie, we had looked for a similar band that would do the same job but better. We couldn't find anything.

Four years later, after we had our second child, we decided to give this gift, and this well-known, unknown secret to the world by creating our own bands, but in a more improved way. We sat down at our computers and designed a belly band with comfort, style and functionality in mind. We knew that organic is always the healthier, better choice, so we chose the finest organic cotton we could find. We also thought that the band would be cute if it matched baby bibs. Our little ones were droolers! So, with our designer in Italy, we also patterned cute baby bib bandanas with prints to match the bands.  We designed the bands with the understanding that not all babies are alike. Some babies will react differently to various methods of soothing (and there are many!).

As parents we try all of them to get it right and bring ease and comfort to a crying baby. We understand that what works for some babies may not work for others. But we do hope that our bands work for yours! 


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