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7 Fun Ways To Celebrate New Year's Eve With Family

3 min read

7 Fun Ways To Celebrate New Year's Eve With family

Are you running out of ideas on how to celebrate New Year's eve with your family? Besides the typical dinner, you can plan fun activities with your family and make one memorable night! Here are some suggestions on how you can spend new year's eve with your kids.


Looking on Family Photos

Remembering your year photos

Collect all the photos you and your family had for the entire year. You can make a slideshow with background music or browse them. Looking at family photos can benefit kids, and happy memories can stick with them for their entire lifetime. Reminiscing can also help develop their communication skill as you'll have a family conversation about those pictures. They can also learn about other relatives or family members. Connect with your kids using those photos and think about how far you have come as a family.

Balloon Pop Countdown

New Year is one of the largest celebrations around the world, and an excellent way to celebrate it is by having a countdown at home by popping balloons. You can have 5 to 10 colorful balloons and mark them with time. Pop a balloon each hour until it reaches midnight! You can also write activities on paper and include them inside the balloon to make it more exciting! It's going to be a blast doing the New year's countdown!


making memory notes

Something To Remember

Every family member can write their favorite 2021 memory on a piece of paper. Mix the forms, let them pick one, and guess who wrote it. It's a good conversation starter and a fun way to remember the things that happened the past year.


Family Bucketlist

Family Bucket list

Talk about what you want to do as a family and places you want to go. Doing things together makes your family more bonded, reenergized from daily routines, and of course, relaxed. It can be a week-long vacation or a simple staycation, and it can be a hobby or a sport. It is a way to enjoy life, destress, and something that kids can look forward to.

Notes in a jar
Making a time capsule

There are printable time capsules online that you can print, and each family member can write down their current hobbies or favorites. You can hide these in a jar or tin can then open it next year. It is an excellent way to reminisce and check if things have changed.


Making Party Hats

Make Party Hats

Unleash your child's creativity by letting them make their party hats. You can choose from online printables or assist them in creating a DIY. Prepare coloring materials, glitter glues, stickers, sequins or anything that can make their hats look fun and fabulous!

Balloon Drop

Balloon Drop

Prepare balloons, a string, a net, or a shower curtain. Connect a string that is long enough to reach a shower curtain. Inflate the balloons and put them on the shower curtain or blanket. Tape its corners to the ceiling. Tell your child to pull the string when it's midnight! It would be a pleasant surprise for your little kids!



New Year Games

New Year Games

Kids love games, and to make your new year's eve exciting, games should be included on your list of activities. You can prepare different kinds of fun, do minute-to-win-it games, donuts on a string, stack party cups, relays, and many more.


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