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5 Life Lessons Kids Can Learn These Holidays

3 min read

5 Life Lessons Your Kids Can Learn These Holidays

Holidays are fast approaching, and while most of us are shopping for gifts and busy preparing for the occasion, we must not forget to teach our kids what the season of giving is all about. It is the perfect time to help them learn important values as they grow. Here are five life lessons you can share with your kids these coming holidays.


Christmas Family
The significance of family

Christmas will not be complete without your family and loved ones. It is always good to be home with family members during Christmas eve. Kids learn their values at home and by spending time with their families. As parents, we must be role models as children copy what we do. We do not need to be perfect as such parents don't exist. But we have to be aware of our actions as those little eyes are watching us.

Spend quality family time these holidays by doing activities together. Start conversations at home on why you appreciate one another and what you do for each other. Set aside those gadgets and ask your kids to help you prepare for dinner or watch a Christmas movie together. Of course, make sure everyone is present during gift-giving time!



The act of giving

The act of giving

Christmas is also about kids getting excited about their gifts, and we parents always look for the perfect present to see our child's priceless smiles. As exciting as receiving presents can be, why not teach our kids the joy of giving. During the holiday season, one principle that is shared across different cultures is the act of giving. Let us teach our kids about putting a smile on other people's faces. The gift does not have to be big or small; it can be a simple act of kindness or helping others in their little way. It is about appreciating and valuing the people around them, especially their loved ones.

You can let your kids join you in choosing gifts for friends or family members. It is important to discuss what the person likes and how the present can be helpful to them rather than valuing its cost. Let them also help you in gift wrapping so when Christmas day comes, they will be excited to see the person's smile while opening the gifts they prepared.


daughter hugging mom

Being grateful

According to a study published in the Journal of School Psychology, grateful children are happier and optimistic. Help your kids express gratitude by gently reminding them to appreciate what others did for them or the blessing they received in life. You can remind them to say "Thank you" when someone has done them good.

You can create a home project to ask everyone to write what they are thankful for each day. They can write it on paper, or post-it notes, then stick it on a board dedicated to it.



Girl holding a piggy bank

Saving Money

The holidays can be extravagant, especially when it comes to gifts and decorations. You can teach your kids to save money by reusing previous Christmas decorations instead of buying a new one or buying quality things that can be used for the long run. Decorations do not have to be costly, and it should be perfect as long as it uplifts the Christmas spirit at home. As for buying presents, it is best to let them know that gifts are meant to be special, no matter what the cost. Let them know that they have to think before buying a particular gift if it will be helpful for the receiver. You can also discuss wants versus needs to learn how to value their money wisely at a young age.

Christmas cookies

Teaching Traditions

There are different ways to celebrate Christmas worldwide. Teaching them about culture and tradition gives a feeling of belongingness and celebrates generations of family. It can be religious, cultural, or simple family traditions like decorating a Christmas tree or baking cookies together. These activities help build a strong bond among family members. If your family does not have yearly traditions yet, you can try new things this coming holidays.


Read Next: What Is My Child's Love Language?


A Personalized Gift For Your Baby


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