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Supporting Black Communities in America

1 min read

Supporting Black Communities in America

Dear MEMEENO Community,

We’ve spent the last week and a half reflecting about our country and the racism that continues to impact the black community. We continue to look for ways to be actively inclusive in how we live our lives, how we think and how we conduct our business. Towards this end, we have taken some important steps to support the black community. 

  • Last Tuesday we pledged to donate 10% of our sales to the Black Lives Matter organization.
  • We continue to feature black models and voices collaborating with the black community and future products both in person and online.
  • We disseminated information and resources to our social media network about how to better understand ourselves and the structural changes that are needed to make this country a better place.
  • Our family has had tough conversations surrounding the history of slavery, discrimination and continued systematic oppression of black people in this country. Towards this end, we are reading books, watching movies and listening to the voices from within the African-American community. We encourage others to do the same.

We want to thank the MEMEENO community for pushing this family business to be a better company we believe that change starts from within our souls, extends out to the family and then to the larger community. We are determined to be a channel for positive change. We would love for you to join the conversation and effort to make this country a more just and peaceful place.

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