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How To Set Boundaries For Visitors After Giving Birth

3 min read

How To Set Boundaries For Visitors After Giving Birth


The day you've been waiting for has finally arrived, and all are excited to meet your little one! While everyone from family and friends wanted to welcome your newborn, you may feel you're not up to receiving visitors. It isunderstandable as you are exhausted and would instead choose to rest. Another one of your concerns is your baby's safety. You fear that your baby might contract viruses, and a way to protect them is by limiting their exposure.

This is a special moment for you and your family, you just want to enjoy having your baby to yourselves, create a bond, have more cuddles and spend quality time. The question is, after giving birth, how do you set boundaries for visitors? or What specific rules can you set?




Visiting a newborn
Limit visiting time

An hour or less is enough for them to meet your little one. Having a visitor all day may not be ideal as you will need to rest and care for your newborn, unless they will stay to give a helping hand. You can set visiting hours, preferably, 10 AM to 5 PM on your chosen days.




avoid surprise visits

Avoid surprise visits

Surprise visits may have the best intentions however, in this modern world, showing up unannounced can mean that you have no respect on someone else's time. Based on today's modern etiquette, it is advisable to inform the host before visiting their house or ask if its a good time for them to visit.


Wash your hands before holding a baby

Enforce hygiene rules

It is important to keep your baby healthy and protected. Let your visitors know to wash their hands before holding the baby, strictly no kissing the baby, leave the shoes outside if possible, and to not come if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms. Not like before, some people may find these rules offensive and that you as parents are overly reacting or sensitive. But nowadays, these health protocol is the new norm especially for families who has kids.



Setting boundaries for visitors after giving birth baby belly band for gas and colic
Your baby, your rules

New moms, would prefer limited visitors and for guests not to hold their babies as much as possible. Moms will always have the final say on these rules and they would greatly appreciate it when it is followed. However, there are instances when the relatives are pushy. Find workarounds like baby-wearing so holding the baby can be avoided. As for the relatives, the parents look forward for their support and for the rules to be observed.

How to let them know about your newborn rules?

Post on social media setting boundaries on visitors after giving birth
Post on social media

You can post something like, "We appreciate all the love and welcome messages for our dear, (baby's name). We want to make this day memorable for us and spend quality time together as a family of 4. If in case you would like to drop by, kindly message or call us first to make sure we are awake and ready to accept visitors. Thank you for understanding." or you can save this on your voicemail.


Husband visiting wife in hospital

Let your partner or someone close relay the information

It can be your partner or your mom to relay the information on when can people visit. Let us just hope that no one does surprise visits anymore and should be aware of the modern social etiquette of respecting everyone's time.



Small family gathering with a newborn
Schedule a small family gathering

You can inform your relatives that now may not be a good time to visit but you are planning a small family gathering instead. We can schedule the visits as we do not want anybody to feel unwelcomed. 

Some moms find it awkward to tell the newborn rules in person. Instead, they put up a sign of baby etiquette outside or inside their home just for everyone to be reminded. There are many baby etiquette references from Pinterest that you can modify or print instantly.



Mother gave birth and baby on her side
You can keep your labor a secret

Announcing your labor is not necessary and can be kept within the family, that is, if you do not want surprise visits in the hospital. It is okay not to entertain visitors after you give birth. It is important that you make the most out of the said experience, bond with your baby, your partner and let the siblings meet the newest member of the family.


You do not have to be super strict in implementing these boundaries. We understand that you want the moment to be perfect. You may be feeling scared, stressed or overwhelmed and that you are still recovering from giving birth. We understand that you are just protecting your peace, your family and hope that everything will be okay.❤️

Soothe your newborn using Baby belly bands for gassy fussy colic baby

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