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How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Covid-19 Pandemic?

4 min read

MEMEENO Blog: How to keep yourself healthy during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Cases are on the rise again after a year of Covid-19, not only in the U.S. but also worldwide. Maybe some of us are used to the scenarios of wearing a mask, social distancing, restricted gatherings, and lockdowns. Still, we need to make sure we are keeping ourselves healthy during this time.

The new norm may have a big effect on us. It may cause a mix of feelings the can affect our physical and mental health. Due to lockdowns, we may not be eating the right foods nor cannot exercise. We may also be worried and stressed about what's happening around us, which increases our anxiety. But how can we keep ourselves healthy during this pandemic? Here are the best ways to cope and live healthily during these uncertain times.


Healthy food options

Woman preparing food
Check your pantry and plan on foods that you need to buy. Knowing what to buy helps you use your time efficiently and avoid panic buying. Pick the foods that provide basic nutrition like protein, starch, veggies, and fruits.

Most people will opt in to easy to cook, ready-to-eat meals. Be sure to take them moderately and buy the low-fat, low-sodium, less sugar brand. You can also store fresh produce, veggies, and starches like Brussels, sweet potato, broccoli, etc., can be cut and stored in the freezer for months. This pandemic may cause stress and boredom to a lot, and our body's normal reaction to relive stress is to eat. Make sure to stock up the fridge and the pantry with edibles that are good for your body. As per CDC, we all need a well-balanced diet, proper nutrition, hydration, and a strong immune system that will help lower the risk of chronic and infectious diseases. Learn more about their Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Physical activity

Man doing push-ups

Physical Activity is one of the factors that can make our bodies healthy. A sedentary lifestyle may cause physical or chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity, or chronic heart disease. Aside from avoiding chronic diseases, exercise or physical activity can also reduce stress and anxiety, provide immune support, and improve bone and muscle growth. But how can you exercise if you have limited space and no gym equipment?

Although some equipment is needed for certain exercises, being resourceful and creative can help you accomplish your workouts. Some exercises don't need equipment; it only needs your body to get started. Exercises like push-ups, squats, planks, and lunges are a great way to strengthen your muscles. It is also important to plan your workouts or add it to your itinerary for motivation. Other than that, there are fitness videos that you can watch online to guide you, like a Zumba routine or other exercises that will help you keep your body fit and strong.

As for exercising outdoors, it is still recommended to practice social distancing and avoid crowded areas. A breath of fresh air is also essential in our mental well-being. Exposure to sunlight can give us vitamin D that is important for the absorption of calcium. The gym may be closed or some areas are on lockdown but there is no excuse in getting physically fit, whether outside or indoors; we should be responsible for our body and well-being.


Managing stress to achieve good sleep

Tired woman

Many of us are overwhelmed with the current situation. We may not know it, but most of us are experiencing anxiety and stress due to the uncertainties this pandemic caused. We have to learn how to manage them to relax and have peace of mind to get a satisfying sleep. Sleep is essential to our health, and it helps make our immune system strong.

As per CDC, one way of relieving stress is by taking a break from watching, reading, listening to news and social media. It is good to be updated about the latest new but limit it to just two times a day. We do not want some not-so-great news to upset or make us sad. Stretching, meditating can help relax your mind and body. Eat a well-balanced meal, exercise, and have a break when you need it. Try other activities that you enjoy and talk to your close family and friends. It is also important to keep yourself healthy, by avoiding too much alcohol or anything that is bad for your body. A fresh air is also good for you. It will improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

We all worry about the virus and one way to be protected is to get vaccinated. It will not only protect yourself but also the people around you. Learning to manage your stress and anxiety will pave the way to achieve a healthy rest and a goodnight's sleep.


Good hygiene habits


Part of good hygiene habits is handwashing which WHO emphasized during this pandemic. It is one way of preventing the spread of germs and viruses. Whether at home or work, do handwashing more often, especially when touching surfaces commonly touched by others. The recommended time for handwashing is 20 seconds, including cleaning the front, back, in between fingers, and under the nails. Using sanitizers in the absence of soap and water can also help. It may not remove or kill all the microorganisms, but it will help reduce them. Also, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands as those areas can be the viruses' point of entry. Avoid touching things and surfaces when you're in public and maintain cleanliness wherever you go. Wearing a mask is still recommended by CDC to protect yourself and other people and to also slow the spread of Covid-19.

Our health should be our number one priority. Although we cannot do anything to resolve the pandemic crisis, the best way to contribute to our country is by taking care of ourselves and following health protocols. It will not only benefit us, but it will also protect our family, loved ones, and other people. 


Are you a parent with a newborn? Learn more about "Tips for Living With A Newborn During A Pandemic."

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