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Dr. Sonia Ahmed Recommends MEMEENO for Infant Gas & Colic

1 min read

Dr. Sonia Ahmed Recommends MEMEENO for Infant Gas & Colic

"The MEMEENO band has been extremely helpful in relieving my baby's stomach pain. My daughter Sophia and niece Michelle were born 1 day apart and both experienced stomach pain after their feeds. They were always gassy and fussy. I used the MEMEENO band to help alleviate their pain and noticed a huge change. They were more comfortable after their feedings. 

I am currently an internal medicine resident physician and needed something to help with my baby's stomach pain. I am grateful for being introduced to MEMEENO as it’s made the transition into motherhood easier. I definitely recommend this band to help alleviate their babies' stomach pain. My favorite is the gray and pink flowers band!"

              -Dr. Sonia Ahmed, M.D., Internal Medicine (her daughter is pictured above)

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