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Best Baby Feeding Advice

5 min read

Breastfeeding mom MEMEENO swaddle blankets for babies

If you are a new parent, your primary concern might be your baby's feeding. Although grandma may have given you a lot of advice, those feeding practices may have changed way back. As new moms, many questions linger in our minds, and sometimes we are unsure if we are doing the right thing. To help new moms, we have researched today's expert recommendations about the best baby-feeding practices.


Breastfeeding or Bottle-feeding?

As a new parent, there are a lot of decisions that you need to make for your little one. And one of them is to choose between breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Health experts suggest that breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for mom and baby. They advise that a newborn should be breastfed for up to 6 months, then still include it in their diet until 1 to 2 years old.

There are instances when a mom cannot breastfeed, so they have no choice but to bottle-feed. Whatever the reason, most of them can be overcome with proper guidance and support. The decision on how to feed your baby is important and personal. You are the only one who can choose what is best for you and your baby.


Breastfeeding baby belly bands for gas and colic

Let's talk about breastfeeding

Learn its benefits:

  • Breastmilk has the nutrients that help in your baby's growth and development.
  • It has antibodies that protect your baby from getting sick.
  • Your baby will be less likely to be hospitalized with breathing infections.
  • Baby will be less likely to have diabetes or to be obese.
  • Prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • It helps prevent ovarian and breast cancers, diabetes, and other diseases
  • Promotes skin-to-skin contact.
  • Help mothers lose pregnancy weight.
  • Convenient. Breastfeed anytime and anywhere.
  • Save more money instead spending on formula.
  • It saves you more time and energy in making formulas.


Learn more: Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mom And Baby

Breastfeeding is a commitment. It is not always easy. It takes time for mom and baby to get used to it. You will have to prepare yourself physically and mentally to do this role. At first, babies may breastfeed every hour until they take a long nap. Patience is needed as you may become exhausted at times. We suggest that you rest when your baby is asleep. After a few weeks, your baby's feeding time will become routine and entirely predictable. If you need to rest more, you can pump your breastmilk and have someone feed your baby through a bottle.


Bottlefeeding baby belly bands to soothe fussy baby

About bottle-feeding

There are a few reasons a mom cannot breastfeed, but that does not make them a bad mom. Some chose to bottle-feed for their baby's health and safety. Possible reasons are:

  • If the nipples are sore or bleeding, a mom should not breastfeed until healed.
  • Moms that are taking medicines to treat a health problem
  • Those who have certain diseases like HIV or Aids
  • Has alcohol and drug addiction

Infant formulas can give the necessary nutrients to your baby. It is also slower to digest, so you may not need to feed it as often. Bottle feeding can also allow you to get all the help you need, you can have someone feed your baby if you are not around. It can also allow you to measure your baby's intake. Some moms are mix-feeding (formula and breastmilk) which is also possible.

Bottle-feeding Tips:

Of course, you must buy bottles, cleaners, teats, and sterilizers. There is no need for a particular teat or bottle, a standard bottle is good, and it is much better if it is easy to clean and sterilize. We also suggest buying cold sterilizers, so you can use your baby bottles anytime you need them. Make sure to wash all items before sterilizing them. For making formulas, it is best to follow your pediatrician's advice or the measurement of your baby's formula.

Bottle-feeding is also bonding with your baby, it is best that you, as the mom, feed your baby rather than other caregivers. Babies feel more secure if the primary caregiver feeds them, like the mom or the dad. Talk to your baby while feeding them. Positioning should be upright so it is easier for them to breathe, feed, and avoid aspiration. The bottle should be in a horizontal position and slightly tipped, which promotes steady flow, so no air will be ingested.

Never leave your little one while feeding. Follow your baby's lead, as they will stop when full. Discard leftover milk. It is important to burp your little one after every feed. If your baby is constipated, unable to poo for 3 days or more, or has allergies, it is best to consult your baby's doctor.

Can either of the feeding methods cause gas?

It is uncommon for breastfed babies to become gassy, but several factors can cause it. Meanwhile, bottle-fed babies tend to swallow air depending on how it was made or how the bottle is positioned during feeding. Some factors that may contribute to gassiness are:

  • Strong milk let-down reflex. If your baby is gulping to keep up with your breastmilk flow, possible that your little one may swallow air. It is best to position your little one upright for better intake flow.
  • Crying. If your baby is crying for hours. Possible that air has been swallowed and caused gas.
  • First time to feed on a bottle. It may take some time if your baby is breastfed and has begun feeding in a bottle. Air may be swallowed in the process.
  • Constipation can also contribute to your baby's gassiness. They may have gas trapped in their tummies.
  • Mother's diet. Mom's food intake is not commonly linked to the baby's gassiness, although some foods can induce gas. Foods like dairy, wheat, or soy, carbonated drinks, some veggies (cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts), some fruits (plums, peaches, apricots, citrus, etc.), and fiber (bran, whole grains, beans) can add to your little one's gassiness.


Burp your baby after feedings Baby belly bands for gas and colic

Help your baby release gas

  • Burping twice. Burping once is okay, but if your baby has gas, burping them twice can help. Also, ensure they are sitting upright, as it is easier to release gas that way.
  • Laying on their tummy. Lay your baby on their tummy, it helps to push out gas.
  • Tummy massage. A gentle massage on your baby's tummy can help with gas. Baby oilor powder can be used.
  • Bicycle exercises. The classic gas reliever. Lay your baby down on its back and pedal your baby's legs like cycling on a bike. This can help ease out gas and stimulate tummies, aiding in constipation.
  • Latching correctly. Correctly positioning your baby while feeding. Highly suggested to be in an upright position.
  • Baby belly bands. Sometimes, all your baby need is a warm hug on their tummy. Self-warming baby belly bands like MEMEENO can help your fussy, gassy, and colicky baby soothe. Its adjustable fastener applies gentle compression to your baby's tummy to push out gas and even aid in colic and constipation. Safe, stylish, and effective.


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